Saturday, July 25, 2009

Back in Guatemala

"Hi!  How are you?" - "Fine, thanks, and you?" - "Fine, thanks."

This is ELM - English Language Ministry

Today we just completed the final day of training for 11 participants to become English teachers using LEI's curriculum "Using Everyday English."  This curriculum contains solid methods for learning English while including Bible content, like Bible verses or simplified Bible stories.  This group of believers wants to use their English skills to teach others (volunteering) and share their faith at the same time.  It's been a successful training and a fantastic group!

(Pictures above:  participants laugh during a fun game of "Left/Right," 2nd picture - participants break into groups to practice the reading section of the lesson, 3rd picture - Tedd announces the literacy training coming up!)

We have a number of activities planned for the next few days and then we plan to start the Regional Literacy Training Institute
on Tuesday next week.  Thank you so much for your prayers, because just this week we've had several more sign up for the training at the last minute!

Health-wise, Tedd & I are doing wonderful.  I have lots of energy and we haven't had any signs of tummy-troubles!  (Hooray!)  We reeeeeally love the family that we're staying with here.  They have three little bitty tikes and they are such a loving and kind family - we love watching them interact.

Thanks for tuning in!  Until next time...


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